

Nappi: 723593001

InsuMax-Q by AnaStellar, is a new generation nutritional supplement containing nutrients that support normal glucose metabolism. InsuMax-Q can be used in conditions that are linked to or exacerbated by, insulin resistance such as obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and sub-fertility (PCOS and Abnormal Male Sperm Parameters).

Each pack contains a 30-day supply of inositol and folate combination tablets; Co-Enzyme Q10, magnesium and vitamin D combination capsules; and amino acid and anti-oxidant combination tablets.

Benefits of InsuMax-Q:
- Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol (in a 40:1 ratio), mimic the plasma physiological ratio required for fighting insulin resistance.
- Active Extrafolate-S, a 3rd generation folate, does not need to be broken down by the body through a complex enzymatic metabolic process like conventional synthetic folic acid does, which means that it is ready to be used by the body immediately.
- Co-Enzyme Q10 is a potent anti-oxidant which plays a critical role in intracellular energy production in the mitochondria.
- Amino Acids such as L-Arginine and L-Carnitine are the precursors for the synthesis of proteins which are the building blocks of the body.
- Anti-Oxidants help to maintain immune function and are factors in the maintenance of good health.

Quantity: 30 day supply

Disclaimer: This content is subject to change. The information is intended to inform and educate; it does not replace the medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. © 2017 Dr Grant Fourie. All rights reserved.

R 530.00

Members price: R 477.00

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