

Nappi: 722470001

Opti-CAL by AnaStellar, is a calcium supplement that contains calcium, collagen (type 1 hydrolyzed), 1000 IU vitamin D3, magnesium and vitamin K2 (as Mena Q7).

Each pack contains a 30-day supply of calcium and collagen tablets.

Benefits of Opti-CAL:
- Calcium strengthens bones and teeth
- Collagen assists with bone flexibility
- Vitamin K2 helps with optimal calcium absorption
- Mena Q7 is bioavailable form of Vitamin K2
- Helps body properly utilise calcium to build healthy bone tissue

Opti-CAL may help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and osteopenia in later life. Opti-CAL is suitable for all young adults who are interested in starting Bone Building Therapy. All women from the age of 24 should start Bone Building Therapy, because this is the time when bone break-down starts happening quicker than bone build-up can take place.

Quantity: 30 day supply

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R 180.00

Members price: R 162.00

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